In our class Field Experience Seminar 250 we each had an inquiry project to work on throughout the semester. After some deliberation, I chose to focus my inquiry on daily physical activity (DPA). Specifically, different approaches to DPA that focus on developing positive relationships between students and physical activities. As I worked on my inquire, I interviewed teachers who discussed how DPA was also seen as a hurdle with the limited amount of time they have in the day for curricular subjects. Because of this, I adapted my inquiry to include activities that are multidisciplinary.

My goal was to create a mini resource with a few activities that I was able to lead in my Link2Practice classroom. I have additionally included a couple activities that I haven’t tried yet but am eager to lead.
The activities in this slideshow come from an incredible teacher at Keating Elementary that I have had the pleasure to work with and learn from. Thanks to her, I have received copious amounts of other activities to promote positive relationships with fitness.

I hope you enjoy these and find something you’d like to try with your class!

Daily Physical Activity Resource by Author